On the first day of a new year, we often seek to see the world with a new set of eyes.
I had a conversation with my mom over the holidays about eyesight. She lamented that one of the afflictions of aging is the challenge of seeing the world without shadows or blind spots in the eyes. She said her optometrist told her that we all have them, blind spots in our eyes, those little specs in our vision that keep the light from getting in.

While the physical eyes age with each new day, each new year, and often our blind spots grow more apparent, the eyes of our spiritual sight have the opportunity to embrace a new way of seeing that transcends our physical limitations. It seems the challenges of the physical worlds we inhabit often become the very teachers that help our spirits learn to transcend limitations. It is a paradox that In spite of our inherent blindness, we learn to see.

The gospel of John tells us that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and what came into being in this world was this Word made Flesh. John called it the force of life, and this life was the light of all people, the gospel claims.  It is a light that the darkness has not overcome, the light that blind spots cannot hinder, the light that comforts us in the shadowy realms. It is this very light that enables us to see God in and through all things, even when our vision casts shadows on the world. It is our internal light, the spirit within.

Though there may be shadows and blind spots in our eyes, there is also an undeniable and penetrating light that lights up the world, God’s Word made flesh in Christ and therefore in all of us who receive this Truth, as John calls it, “grace upon grace.”

Call it Grace, Divine Wisdom, the Light in all things, Being, the Word made Flesh. It is God who converts us so that we might learn to see the world and ourselves with new eyes. If we set one goal for the new year and one goal only, to receive this conversion of sight more fully, it would be enough. To have eyes that truly see, beyond our own limited sight.

May God bring you peace today as you celebrate new beginnings and new ways of seeing.